Monday, April 21, 2008

Osaka Aquarium

When they groggily emerged from the room, we headed for the aquarium. It’s build in the “round” (rather squared off in this case). You take an escalator to the top to view animal life on the surface of the sea. As you walk down, you get to view the various oceans and the animals you would normally found. They have a large “aqua gate” that allows you to walk through the ocean with the various fish swimming over and around you. From here you enter into different “oceans” around the world – the Kelp forest, Great Barrier Reef, the Seto Inland Sea, and even the Ecuador Rain Forest. Very interesting with enough English to help us identify areas and major fish.
Right out in front of the aquarium there was a juggling team putting on a performance – and were they ever good. They had everything down pat. Absolutely fantastic showmen – they had the crowds in their hands. A pretty good trick on a cold, blustery, rainy day – we stood in the drizzle to watch them. Their juggling was superb. They even did fire juggling, tossing the burning brands to each other – mounted on a unicycle and a balance board!!

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