We went to the Bangkok job fair with a bit of trepidation. While some principals said “oh no, your age won’t be a problem”, others said “yes, it could be”. That left me with the perfect opportunity to worry. We had had a few schools ask us to interview with them at the fair – a good sign but still….then we started talking with the American School of Doha. Oh my gosh! What a phenomenal school! (check out the link to the school – it’s on the name of the school). OK…now…talking is great but…it’s still the waiting….helped a lot that we know 4 people at the school and actually found out 2 of our friends from Vancouver had also worked for the headmaster. Increased our interest but still…the waiting….
Finally we had the chance to meet with Ed Ladd and the principals and…just in case you missed my mild messages (yeah, right, all caps) on Facebook … we are going to Doha! What an opportunity to work at a first class school in an area that is growing by leaps and bounds. The school has just gone through some extensive development, remodeling and population explosion …from 6oo to 1850! It’s going to be delightful to work there – no more cold (picture icicles on that word) winters. I love Japan but…those un-insulated houses in the middle of winter are deadly.
Now....I've had lots of people ask..."Where is the world is Doha?" Well...it's in Qatar (I know...so where is Qatar?) Here is a great site with a map showing where Qatar is as well as some information about the country. (Explore Qatar is the section you want). Qatar is one of the most liberal of the Middle Eastern countries. The country is Muslim and while the majority of the Qatari women will wear the black, all covering dress, the laws no longer require it and women are allowed to vote, drive and work outside the home. The country is growing by leaps and bounds, in part due to the oil but also because of the leadership that is supporting growth and change.
I have learned that they don't have postal delivery - you go to the post office to get your mail in Doha. Fortunately, the school has everyone use the school address for mail so the person who goes to the post office daily will pick up mail for everyone. Nice.
As I learn more, I'll keep sharing...hmmm...guess I'm going to need a new blog in the future.....I'll keep you posted on that!!!
The happy Buddha pictured here gives you a good idea of how we’re feeling right now.
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