Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sailing with the Wind...

If we had paid attention to the predictions from the weather service, we probably would have stayed home. Rain, cloudy skies and no wind were what we were looking forward to as we boarded the Sea Fox for our sojourn across the Seto Sea. Fortunately, they were wrong and we were treated to a wonderful day of sailing. While Paul and Amy were at home on the ship, we were not. As we sped along, sails unfurled, the boat heeling at crazy angles, we all had thoughts about unexpected, unplanned swims in the sea. While our skippers moved with ease across the boat, we practically crawled, grabbing onto everything possible to stabilize us as we drunkenly careened around the boat. The day was gorgeous and the scenery spectacular so despite the bounces and jarring we had a wonderful time.
There were a few periods of time where we worried about our safety, particularly when other members of the crew took over the wheel...

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