Saturday, February 09, 2008

And yet some more on driving...

Driving in town is absurd. We had a navi system with a very bad map of Bali. We ended up in strange places. Maggie (the navi system has a name) said to turn left. OK, it looked a little narrow but, hey, we live in Japan, narrow is normal. We went by some houses and small plots and the road narrowed and we drove on. The walls grew taller, the road grew narrower and still we drove on until we reached a T intersection. OK…intersection is too grandiose a word…try our car-wide path joining another car-wide path at a 90 degree angle. I got lots of practice putting the car in and out of gear while Jeff kept letting me know I had an inch to go. It was amazing that we honestly made the turn. Once we got past it, 50 feet further on, we were indeed on the street in front of our hotel. Maggie was right on – it was the most direct way to our hotel. We chose to ignore that route in the future.
The picture of the exit hardly does the experience justice. The car filled the entire space - there was no opening the door, let alone getting out.

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