Sunday, April 17, 2005

Shopping in Vietnam

Vietnam is an interesting place to shop in. There are some very cheap prices for some things – and very expensive for others. They organize their shops in a very interesting way – all shops selling the same things are right next to each other. That means all of the jewelry stores are together, all of the tailors, all of the electronic stores and so forth. This also makes the competition fierce – they want YOU in THEIR store FIRST!!! On the streets there’s a constant line of talk, handing out things, trying to entice you in, showing you items. In the open market place it was crazy! They’d grab you as you went by to get you to look at things and they’d push and pull and honestly keep hold of you. It was enough to drive me crazy!
I think that the smooth salesmen of the world have been to Vietnam to pass on their sales tricks – get the customer talking “where you from” was heard from every salesperson and confidential “whispers” that they can give YOU a special price, not available to anyone else. Oh well….guess they have to make their money somehow. Did find some things we liked and hopefully didn’t pay too much over its actual worth. It was fun but I think that next time I want to go into a quieter area.

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