Sunday, April 26, 2009

In Memoriam

To quote Paul's eloquent but sad message..."Dad/Grandpa went home to the Lord this evening (March 12) at about 7:45pm. I morn our loss but rejoice in knowing that he is with the Lord. He is no longer in pain and his mind is as sharp as ever. I also know we will see him in heaven when each of us is called home. I want each of us to hold tight to the wonderful memories we have each had with him and to be thankful for the wonderful long, filled life dad had."
I am glad we had a chance to celebrate his life and to support Mom/Grandma at this really difficult time. I loved the opportunity to reconnect with family - both old and new - the kids were so cute....and were the subject of some of the blurriest pictures 'cause they just never slowed down!!! I have posted some of the pictures I took - though sad to say that a good many of the pictures were really blurry (sadly, not just due to lots of energy).